In the roumanian daily press appeared a news that shows our madness and our second brain revealing.
In Roumania are 12000 persons that are watching you or me from the "Securitate", roumanian security agency, that means 1 person "it's taking care" for 700 peoples from Roumania, like an example, an country with 80 millinos peoples, Germany it's having 1 person that takes care for 3000 peoples, with a total of 6000 persons in their own security agency.
I propose for everyone in this country to not be citizen of Roumania without beeing agent of Securitate.
The meening of this news it's that this country it's really free for the citizens of Securitate. Hurray for you all! I'M REALLY PROUD TO LIVE IN ROUMANIA!
Like Toma Caragiu said: Daca tu Ssst si eu Ssst si el Ssst si toti Ssst inseamna ca ne ia draq de securisti!