Always I've had a dream girl in my mind, Monica Bellucci. That's the best woman in live, from my point, with a sculpted body, she's in the minds of manny manny mans.
Every day I see the tabloids with lot of womens that consider themselfs V.I.P.
e.g. Ms. Nowbody bought herself one more pair of shoes, Ms. Somebody made a jacuzzi bath together with her boyfriend, driver, mailman, milkman..
I have a proposal to all these magazines, papers, advertisers to take a look at the porn industry and save some money for the clothes.
It doesn't excite me more to see a skinny girl, like Paris Hilton, with a shoulder naked, than to see her all nacked.
It doesn't make sense to pay for an sexy industry when you have the porn industry, I mean for the amateurs of it:)