joi, 24 decembrie 2009
marți, 10 noiembrie 2009
Prea multa cearta, mosule...
Este un mesaj pentru securistii ce ma urmaresc, pe mine si pe tine, ca si pe toti ceilalti din Romania, sa vada cine iese domle la vot:)
What the fuck...Cu toate isteria asta ca domle, Base e de kkt, fiv-ar natia.., "ca noi nu ne certam", "ca noi vrem bun simt", "ca noi suntem democrati", "ca noi traim in kkt si ne ajunge".
Pe draq... Unu n-am vazut sa iesiti in fata si sa curatati aleea din fata casei, unu n-am vazut sa ia atitudine CIVILIZATA. Toti comentati pe la cafele, pe la susanele, ca va place, ba ca nu va place, situatia de kkt pe care toti o recunoasteti, da nu va pute la nas niciunuia incat sa ia ATITUDINE SOCIALA.
Statistica arata ca Romania, tara de adolescenti care se cred batrani, da n-au trait cu adevarat greu, in toata existenta neamului lor, pentru ca in tara asta pamantu e pamant bun si nu stanca siciliana, domle nu mai voteaza pt ca are painea asigurata, si rata de vot o sa fie numa de 20% din populatie, ca le este INDIFERENT!
Fuck all! ca-mi vine sa ma mut. Numa asa se scapa de ciuma romaneasca, tara plina de vaicatori, de brainwashedtzi si de pupincuristi.
Unu n-am vazut cand s-a amanat pana la neaprobare a Legilor fundamentale EDUCATIE, si celelalte de baza.
M-am lamurit cu totii. Forza Base, macar tu esti din esalonu doi!:)))))))
N-am crezut veci ca Silviu Brucan o sa aibe dreptate: ca inca 20 de ani ne trebe sa-l inlaturam pe Ilici si inca se joaca...
Nu mai zic de esalonu doi, reprezentat de Base, inca 20 de ani, pana sa vina in fata partide ca Partidu Verde in prim plan si care sa vorbeasca la obiect.
Este un mesaj pentru securistii ce ma urmaresc, pe mine si pe tine, ca si pe toti ceilalti din Romania, sa vada cine iese domle la vot:)
What the fuck...Cu toate isteria asta ca domle, Base e de kkt, fiv-ar natia.., "ca noi nu ne certam", "ca noi vrem bun simt", "ca noi suntem democrati", "ca noi traim in kkt si ne ajunge".
Pe draq... Unu n-am vazut sa iesiti in fata si sa curatati aleea din fata casei, unu n-am vazut sa ia atitudine CIVILIZATA. Toti comentati pe la cafele, pe la susanele, ca va place, ba ca nu va place, situatia de kkt pe care toti o recunoasteti, da nu va pute la nas niciunuia incat sa ia ATITUDINE SOCIALA.
Statistica arata ca Romania, tara de adolescenti care se cred batrani, da n-au trait cu adevarat greu, in toata existenta neamului lor, pentru ca in tara asta pamantu e pamant bun si nu stanca siciliana, domle nu mai voteaza pt ca are painea asigurata, si rata de vot o sa fie numa de 20% din populatie, ca le este INDIFERENT!
Fuck all! ca-mi vine sa ma mut. Numa asa se scapa de ciuma romaneasca, tara plina de vaicatori, de brainwashedtzi si de pupincuristi.
Unu n-am vazut cand s-a amanat pana la neaprobare a Legilor fundamentale EDUCATIE, si celelalte de baza.
M-am lamurit cu totii. Forza Base, macar tu esti din esalonu doi!:)))))))
N-am crezut veci ca Silviu Brucan o sa aibe dreptate: ca inca 20 de ani ne trebe sa-l inlaturam pe Ilici si inca se joaca...
Nu mai zic de esalonu doi, reprezentat de Base, inca 20 de ani, pana sa vina in fata partide ca Partidu Verde in prim plan si care sa vorbeasca la obiect.
joi, 5 noiembrie 2009
Ce-ti doresc eu tie, dulce Românie
Ce-ti doresc eu tie, dulce Romanie,
Tara mea de glorii, tara mea de dor?
Bratele nervoase, arma de tarie,
La trecutu-ti mare, mare viitor!
Fiarba vinu-n cupe, spumege pocalul,
Daca fiii-ti mindri aste le nutresc;
Căci ramine stinca, desi moare valul,
Dulce Romanie, asta ti-o doresc.
Vis de razbunare negru ca mormintul
Spada ta de sânge dusman fumegind,
Si deasupra idrei fluture ca vintul
Visul tau de glorii falnic triumfind,
Spuna lumii large steaguri tricolore,
Spuna ce-i poporul mare, romanesc,
Când s-aprinde sacru candida-i vilvoare,
Dulce Romanie, asta ti-o doresc.
Ingerul iubirii, ingerul de pace,
Pe altarul Vestei tainic surizind,
Ce pe Marte-n glorii să orbeasca-l face,
Când cu lampa-i zboara lumea luminind,
El pe sinu-ti vergin inca să coboare,
Guste fericirea raiului ceresc,
Tu il stringe-n brate, tu îi fă altare,
Dulce Romanie, asta ti-o doresc.
Miss my HomeSmell
In the usual days of my life I walk two hours, to work and back home.
On the way to work I leave in the morning the warmsmell from the sheets, the coffee's smell and her's, too.
As I step out the city smell invades my lungs, with the trees smell, cars and other peoples smell.
In the bus, tram or subway, I find really thrilling smells, it's the smell of Bucharest: from beggars smell to fine ladies smell, I find a hole big pallette of smells, from big fallers to the farts of one old man, from desperate wifes to funnies "gigolo"guys, from gas smell to winter cold smell, from the joy of springs smell to that heat smell in the summer.
But that's just as an adventure for me, compared to the office smell, the robotic smell makes noise, as soon as someone opens a chocolate, screams as soon at someones small smell mistake from the stereotype, from robot smell, that's inodorous, inconsistent, without an identity.
Back home I breath again the warm, the home smell.
Indeed I miss the homesmell:)
vineri, 9 octombrie 2009
Naked or Tabloid
Always I've had a dream girl in my mind, Monica Bellucci. That's the best woman in live, from my point, with a sculpted body, she's in the minds of manny manny mans.
Every day I see the tabloids with lot of womens that consider themselfs V.I.P.
e.g. Ms. Nowbody bought herself one more pair of shoes, Ms. Somebody made a jacuzzi bath together with her boyfriend, driver, mailman, milkman..
I have a proposal to all these magazines, papers, advertisers to take a look at the porn industry and save some money for the clothes.
It doesn't excite me more to see a skinny girl, like Paris Hilton, with a shoulder naked, than to see her all nacked.
It doesn't make sense to pay for an sexy industry when you have the porn industry, I mean for the amateurs of it:)
joi, 10 septembrie 2009
Ssst, Ssst...
In the roumanian daily press appeared a news that shows our madness and our second brain revealing.
In Roumania are 12000 persons that are watching you or me from the "Securitate", roumanian security agency, that means 1 person "it's taking care" for 700 peoples from Roumania, like an example, an country with 80 millinos peoples, Germany it's having 1 person that takes care for 3000 peoples, with a total of 6000 persons in their own security agency.
I propose for everyone in this country to not be citizen of Roumania without beeing agent of Securitate.
The meening of this news it's that this country it's really free for the citizens of Securitate. Hurray for you all! I'M REALLY PROUD TO LIVE IN ROUMANIA!
Like Toma Caragiu said: Daca tu Ssst si eu Ssst si el Ssst si toti Ssst inseamna ca ne ia draq de securisti!
miercuri, 26 august 2009
Inductie sau Deductie?
Traindu-ne viata intr-o continua spirala a intrebarii fundamentale "Ce sunt, Ce fac?", mai mult sau mai putin activa de la persoana la persoana, ajungem sa ne repetam viata zi de zi, in pattern-uri de stil de viata, personalitate si mediu ce ne inconjoara, mai mult sau mai putin comune, dar toti in clopotul lui Gauss.
Cei mai multi dintre noi deduc de mici cum sa se comporte in fata fiecarei situatii, din mediul inconjurator(parinti, scoala, religie, carti, televizor si google..mai nou), dar cealalta categorie de oameni care invata din induceri, reusesc sa isi formeze un filtru propiu prin care privesc situatiile si sa se adapteze lor in consecinta(ex. artistii, geniile). Nu neg faptul ca si deductia bine instruita are roade, insa nu are valoare de inovatie, nu are forma originala.
Deciziile pe care le luam ne definesc ca persoane, ca mod de a reactiona in fata a "Ce sunt, Ce fac?".
Stiinta si modul de viata al societatii contemporane a ajuns la un nivel de blocaj, in care nu este loc de inductii, deoarece cantitatea de deductii a societatii este prea mare pentru a putea ingurgita o inductie. Cu atat mai mult sunt respinse inductiile, cu cat cantitatea de deductii nu poate fi descalcita in nici un domeniu decat de un grup de oameni si nu un individ(ex.grup de oameni de stiinta, organizatii de tot felul).
Cu toate ca, filosofic vorbind, cand realizam o inductie facem, de fapt, un cerc continuu(n. red. constructie fara finalitate) in care inducem o ipoteza bazata pe o alta ipoteza pana inchidem cercul, mai mic sau mai mare, de la caz la caz, este mult mai valoros decat o deductie care se bazeaza pe o cauzalitate si care se contruieste pe baze deductibile.
Consider ca omenirea isi poate baza progresul adevarat, atat la nivel individual cat si societal, doar pe inductii:)
miercuri, 12 august 2009
The origins doesn't lie
A confession about myself?!
All my life I've had a problem about my origins.
My folks are from a village called "Nicolae Balcescu", old name "Ferdinand", with older origins in the village "The Dry Valey" or "Bogdanfalva"(hungarian), perfect place for making wine. It's placed near the city Bacau, Bako(in hungarian),and in that area it's living a comunity of ceangai, maybe older than the roumanian voievodals.
The ceangai are an dying comunity, placed from Falticeni city, with the old Moldavian capital city Baia from XIII century, with an gotic church that has the gravery of Ms. Margaret(grandmother of Dragos), until near Adjud or maybe Focsani city. They speak one old version of hungarian(XVII century version) mixed very much with roumanian.
They call themself roumanian citizens, with confession Romano-Chatolic. Strange thing, because in the history of this isolated comunity they were always blamed by the roumanians as "hungarians" or "boszgor"(homeless), but they always were brave people, with clear identity declared.
The documents about their origins are very vague and are concentrated on three theories:
- an different faction from the Huns migrators, they were established on the oriental part of Charpatians mountains, to protect the oriental part of the Hungarian Empire, and isolated there. Facts: the language spoke,
- roumanian Romano-Chatolics from Transylvania, migrated in Moldavia in the XIV century, Facts: the transilvanian traditions
- Cumans or Pecenges migrators established in those areas where they live even now, converted to christians Romano-Chatolic by the hungarians in the centuries X or XI. There are hystorical proofs of christianity Romano-Chatolic in Bacau from XI, or XII century(from my point the most credible version)Facts: Peoples related only to the religion, the same is the life style, personality and way of seeing the world, different by the hungarians, different by the romanians.
As an descendent from this comunity I've observed better the comunity and I have a great respect for it and her faith. Why? Because the faith always makes the peoples stronger, as these people are. I've learned from them, how to relate everything to God, to Jesus, to Hole Mary, to Anton Saint, to Saint Francisc and to live my life related everytime to my religion.
My relation with them and with the other peoples from Bacau, my home town, was distantly, but consistent. I've been from litlle child called Catholic, as a nickname in the neighborhood, but also different from my relatives from Nicolae Balcescu.
I consider myself a Romano-Chatolic person, with hometown Bacau, from the comunity of ceangai, romanian citizen and I feel proud of my origins:)
joi, 6 august 2009
Fata din tramvai
Te uitai in gol, asa intr-o doara
Eu te priveam ca pe o dimineata de vara
Si incercam sa-ti vad prin ochi ceafa ta goala.
Tramvaiul ne legana ca-ntr-o gondola sparta
Si eu iti fredonam O sole mio Fata!
Ce flacau eram odata...
Dar vai Crangasiul e aproape
Si orice sperante sunt acum desarte
Se duc cu "41" in noapte.
Publicat de Bacovia 7
marți, 14 iulie 2009
Roumanian Mecca
Any real roumanian should be visiting this city, the City of Lights, that's what all says...
I'm writing these rows for having an write form of my picture about this magnific city. A city can be magic through his people, trough his romance, his passion puor chocolate, passion pour amour, passion pour la republique.
I don't know if any country on earth can be more ideal for roumanian people than the one who created the modern roumanian country last century.
As litlle kid, when i've studied the french language(now i don't remember much of it..:)), i've dreamded at the litlle streets of "Quartier latin", to see the romantic life of d'Artagnan from the roman "The three musketeers", to see the bouquinistes from the near of Sena, to feel the life through the city that inspire you.
It seems to be the center of the globe, trough the culture that was integrated in only one city(Luvru, all the creations of italian, flamand and spanish artists, and few of them french:); Hole damn Obelisc, Versailles, a place build only for the maniac Ludovic, and with the food of all France for one ideal place; Napoleon, with the culture rapted from all over the Europe).
Today i'll give an omage pour Vive la France!
miercuri, 20 mai 2009
Indians Invasion
Alert News!
The media-press agency "The Great Stephan Playeshs" told at the afternoon about the imminent invasion of the Indians.
Few obvious Facts:
The North America is already invaded by the guitars and flues of the so called "red skins", in front with the leader Winnetou, singing all around a course for the whites, blackers, yellows, so, for everyone else to die...
The Europe is already invaded by the accordions and beggars of the so called "gypsies", who are decendants from the great Hindu, relocated most of them in Europe with the headquarter in East of the Europe, a small bloody country - Romania.
They sing and course simply and general about their declared "enemies", so, for everyone else to die...
The Asia is invaded die...
God bless everyone die...
joi, 30 aprilie 2009
Perfect Robot.
Waking up: 7.00 - done
Going to job: 8.00 - done
Starting the work: 9.00 - done
Morning E-Mails: 10.00 - done
Drinking cafe: 10.05 - done
Launch break: 12.00 - done
Daily Task + By project: 14.00 - done
Drinking cafe: 15.05 - done
Leaving the office: 17.30 - done
Social Drinking: 19.00 - done
Bed Time: 23.00 - done
Since 9 years, when i've leaved my personal matrix, the first prison of my life, an theological Seminary, i've promise myself to not give up to any rule that can change my life(bullsheet the only one:).
It seems that the life take you always to some zones with never say never...
I sleep robot, I eat robot, I sheet like an robot,
To hell with this.. maybe only an ill can retain me in some Cuckoo Nest or any monastery can save us from the social pills administrated to us daily.
I began to be happy for the porcine gripe, we have something else to speak and not the roumanian ugly and expired pill "Becali", that is administrated for the roumanian society.
Do not despair.., take the bottle and drink it up..., don't look back..., com'on yell with us - Fuck!(in roumanian has more sense:)
joi, 19 februarie 2009
Cateodata mai traiesc
Am simţit vântul şi stropii săraţi ai mării. Agitand si pierzand ritmul, prelucrand si reinterpretand lumina, reflectand cioburi si ascunzand forma, am privit cum rasare soarele ud si plin de viata ce te invita la infuzie de adrenalina si sparge orice bariera prin ardere.
Ascultand ploaia de vara cu tonalitati alegro si varietati ascutite sau joase, cu zumzete de trantori sau albinute grabite in campul de flori am asmutit coloristica ochiului si gustul vietii.
M-am infruptat din puritatea izvorului de munte cu setea omului crescut in camp, cu natura vie asaltandu-te prin muschii de padure de un verde ascutit si copacii ce-ti soptesc sa respecti silentio stampa in fata vantului ce le canta printre frunze.
Iubind o femeie, alergand cu un Porsche, savurand un vin vechi, mancand un vanat pe gratar in padure, fumand o tigara in foi, da mai traiesc cateodata...
marți, 20 ianuarie 2009
I'm a bad boy
I don't bite, but i love to look like
I love my bone to be on the table
I love u to shacke in front on me and to mumble
But hey, i was just kiding with u
I'm a bad boy only with bad guys
When u want in the night to take my place in bed
I'll be bad but only untill u are mad-red!
By the way, i'm a superhero to burt at flyes:)
joi, 8 ianuarie 2009
Da-mi Doamne mintea de pe urma a romanului. (Vorba jidanului)
Preumblandu-ma printre muntii patriei am ajuns la un domn in varsta cu mintea limpede si cu chef de vorba. I-am ocupat viata timp de doua ore, dar suficient cat sa simt viata la un nivel diferit atat spiritual cat si material.
La distanta de 400 de km, in urbea in care vegetez, viata e vazuta mult mai complicata, mult mai plina de adrenalina, mult mai greu de controlat, de parca omu' ce face nu tot el desface..
Revenind la oile si viata acestui OM, am incercat sa schimbam impresii, fiecare cu experienta sa de viata. Am fost invatacel si am bagat la cap lucruri atat despre cum sa ai grija de oi, de cai si de vaci, cat si despre cum sa traiesti bine, si corect fata de tine si ceilalti.
Mi-a povestit cum jidanii si ungurii populau satul de jos si faceau comert si aveau respect pentru rumanii locului, preluand lucrurile bune ale locului si imbogatindu-le cu calitatile lor de acas.
In fond am fo' si ramanem un popor deschis ce poate ingloba orice natie(draq pana si aia din bangladej pot trai aici.. ce sa zic mai mult:)datorita faptului ca ne autodefinim inainte de toate "Oameni ai Pamantului", dupa care ne definim rumani, ardeleni, bucuresteni, sau cum om mai fi..
Am fost rugat sa spun mai departe ca lumea s-a stricat si a ajuns si la urechile lui in munti stricaciunea din lume, ca "lumea numa cu un sfert isi vrea binele sau, iar celelalte parti numa raul vor in lume!"
Parerea mea este ca-i semn de bucurie ca inca mai este un sfert bun in lumea asta, io credeam de mult ca suntem pierduti, ca Sodoma si Gomora e locul nostru de nastere, dar dak inca mai adapostim oameni ce cred ca mai exista bine in lume, mai avem ragaz si resurse sa demonstram contrariul:)
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