Alert News!
The media-press agency "The Great Stephan Playeshs" told at the afternoon about the imminent invasion of the Indians.
Few obvious Facts:
The North America is already invaded by the guitars and flues of the so called "red skins", in front with the leader Winnetou, singing all around a course for the whites, blackers, yellows, so, for everyone else to die...
The Europe is already invaded by the accordions and beggars of the so called "gypsies", who are decendants from the great Hindu, relocated most of them in Europe with the headquarter in East of the Europe, a small bloody country - Romania.
They sing and course simply and general about their declared "enemies", so, for everyone else to die...
The Asia is invaded already...to die...
God bless everyone else...to die...
2 comentarii:
all indians have to die...
stiu si eu despre invazie este foarte periculos sa le asculti versurile, prinzi dependenta, iti spala creierul si sunt peste tot.
propun ca toata lumea sa poarte casti si sa asculte MANOWAR
O.K. anonim Manowar..,
spreed the news to all your listners:)
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